[REVIEW] SNP LAB Salicylic Acid Gel Cleanser & SNP LAB PHA 5% Toner (Best Skincare For All Skin Types, Especially Oily Skin, Acne Prone & Hyperpigmentation)
Hai, hari ini aku mau share salah satu masalah kulit terbesar aku yakni acne scars dan dark spots. Jujur, kulitku dulu sempat bebas dari ini semua dan balik ke normal, dimana paling mentok cuma kering aja. But, setelah habis mengASIhi dan kembali menstruasi, otomatis hormon kembali berubah dan tiap bulan selalu suka muncul jerawat hormonal di area sekitar dagu. Sebenarnya jerawat hormon ini udah biasa sih aku alami, but yang paling parah adalah bulan kemarin.
today I want to share one of my biggest skin problems, acne scars and dark
spots. Honestly, my skin used to be free from all of this and returned to
normal, where the most stuck was just dry. But, after finish
breastfeeding and get back to my period, the hormones will automatically
change again and every month there will always be hormonal pimples appearing in
the area around the chin. Actually, I'm used to hormonal acne, but the
worst one was last month.
Bulan lalu sempat ada muncul 1 jerawat besar yang matengnya itu lama banget, tapi kalau dipegang perih. Tau kan ya, semacam diwajah itu ada benjolan yang ganggu penampilan dan rasa percaya diri kita. Parahnya lagi, ga cuma satu aja, tapi di sekitar area lainnya juga ada bruntusan kecil-kecil, dan jerawat ukuran medium yang belum matang juga. Beberapa skincare yang aku gunakan pun sempat aku stop karena memang masalah kulitnya sudah berbeda, sehingga ingredients yang diperlukan juga berbeda. Sekitar kurang lebih seminggu, aku fokus buat ngempesin jerawat dan fokus pada penggunaan produk yang memang ditujukan untuk masalah kulitku sekarang.
Last month, a large pimple appeared, which took a very long time to heal, but when you touch it, it hurts. What's worse, it's not just one, but around other areas there are also small breakouts, and medium-sized pimples that are not yet ripe. I even stopped some of the skincare that I used because the skin problems were different, so the ingredients needed were also different. About a week or so, I focus on suppressing my acne and focus on using products that are intended for my current skin problem.
Sebelumnya, perlu diketahui kalau kulit acne prone dan berminyak lebih baik menggunakan skincare dengan ingredients yang biasa ditujukan untuk kulit acne prone atau berminyak seperti Salicylic Acid, AHA atau BHA. Kalian udah ga asing dong ya dengan ketiga ingredients diatas? Percaya deh, kalau kulit kita udah pernah kena ingredients diatas, aku yakin kulit kita akan mengenali ingredients yang bisa diajak bekerjasama untuk mendapatkan kulit yang lebih baik. Selain itu, aku udah sempat buktikan sendiri sejak pakai AHA/BHA ini, dimana kulit itu seperti beregenerasi lebih cepat dan ga mudah bruntusan bila digunakan dengan benar.
Previously, it is necessary to know that acne prone and oily skin is better to use skincare with ingredients that are usually intended for acne prone or oily skin such as Salicylic Acid, AHA or BHA. Are you familiar with the three ingredients above? Trust me, if our skin has been exposed to the ingredients above, I'm sure our skin will recognize the ingredients that can work with to get better skin. Besides that, I've been able to prove it myself since using this AHA/BHA, where the skin seems to regenerate faster and doesn't break out easily when used properly.
Produk yang kebetulan cocok di kulitku selama jerawatan kemarin adalah SNP LAB. Ada 2 produk SNP LAB yang aku gunakan yakni cleanser dan tonernya. Aku memang mau ganti cleanser dan toner aja, karena untuk yang lainnya, aku masih pakai skincare yang terdahulu. Memang ngefek ya kalau kita cuma ganti cleanser sama toner? Trust me, di aku 2 produk SNP LAB ini bisa bekerja dengan baik selama jerawat hormonal kemarin.
The product that happened to suit my skin during yesterday's breakouts was SNP LAB. There are 2 SNP LAB products that I use, namely the cleanser and the toner. I really want to change my cleanser and toner, because for the rest, I'm still using my previous skincare. Does it really matter if we just change the cleanser and toner? Trust me, in me these 2 SNP LAB products can work well during yesterday's hormonal acne.
Fyi, SNP ini merupakan brand yang sempat viral dengan produknya SNP Prep Peptaronic yang sempat aku review juga disini. SNP LAB merupakan produk terbaru dari SNP yakni SNP Lab Salicylic Acid Gel Cleanser dan SNP Lab PHA 5% Toner. Walaupun SNP LAB yang merah ini lebih cocok ke oily dan acne skin, namun nyatanya mereka bisa juga cocok untuk semua jenis kulit. Nah, apa sih yang bikin SNP LAB ini bisa bekerja dengan baik di kulit acne/oily, namun bisa cocok juga untuk semua jenis kulit?
Fyi, this SNP is a brand that went viral with its SNP Prep Peptaronic product, which I also reviewed here. SNP LAB is the newest product from SNP, namely SNP Lab Salicylic Acid Gel Cleanser and SNP Lab PHA 5% Toner. Although the red SNP LAB are more suitable for oily and acne skin, in fact they can also be suitable for all skin types. So, what makes SNP LAB work so well on acne/oily skin, but is also suitable for all skin types?
FYI, key ingredients dari SNP Lab Gel Cleanser ini adalah Salicylic Acid dan AHA, dimana salicylic acid ini terkenal sebagai anti inflamasi atau mengatasi peradangan, that's why salicylic acid bisa untuk mengatasi jerawat sekaligus. Untuk AHA, dia berfungsi sebagai agent exfoliant, dimana merupakan ingredients yang terkenal untuk mengelupaskan sel kulit mati, dan mengangkat sel kulit mati.
FYI, the key ingredients of this SNP Lab Gel Cleanser are Salicylic Acid and AHA, where salicylic acid is known as anti-inflammatory or overcoming inflammation, that's why salicyclic acid can treat acne at once. For AHA, it functions as an exfoliant agent, which is a well-known ingredient for exfoliating dead skin cells, and removing dead skin cells.
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Tercantum tanggal expired pada bagian bawah botol |
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Tampak belakang botol |
Sedangkan, key ingredients dari SNP Lab PHA 5% Toner adalah Triple Acid Complex, yang merupakan gabungan dari PHA 5% + AHA + BHA, dimana semua agent exfoliant ini dijadikan satu sehingga menghasilkan jenis exfoliating toner yang lebih sempurna dan cocok untuk semua jenis kulit. Anyway, dulu aku pernah baca juga kalau ingredients AHA dan BHA ini bila di combo dengan PHA dia kadar exfoliantnya jadi lebih gentle dan bisa digunakan untuk kulit sensitif.
Meanwhile, the key ingredients of SNP Lab PHA 5% Toner are Triple Acid Complex, which is a combination of PHA 5% + AHA + BHA, where all these exfoliant agents are combined to produce a type of exfoliating toner that is more perfect and suitable for all skin types. Anyway, I've read before that when the AHA and BHA ingredients are combined with PHA, the exfoliant content is gentler and can be used for sensitive skin.
Selain itu, SNP ini juga sudah memiliki keunggulan seperti:
- 100% Vegan
- Efektif (mengandung potent active ingredient)
- Science-based (technology from South Korea)
- Cruelty-free. BPOM Approved
- Dermatological tested
- Anti-Aging, Anti-Wrinkle, Reduce Dark Spot
Packaging, packed in a white pump bottle which is equipped with a safety lock so that it is not easily spilled or pressured while traveling. The bottle itself is quite slim with a thick and sturdy plastic material. The minus, we don't know much about the product left after use because the bottle is not transparent. In addition, with just 1 pump the gel cleanser that comes out is perfect for cleaning all parts of the face including the neck, so the pump helps to control the product that comes out of the bottle tube.
Texture, in the form of a clear gel that is light and does not have
a strong fragrance. The aroma is almost unscented, but has a slightly
acidic and plant based aroma.
How to use: Pour or press the cleansing gel into the palm of the hand, lather and apply to the face evenly. Massage for a while, then rinse with clean water or warm water.
applied to the face, this gel cleanser feels very
light but is still effective as a gentle exfoliating agent. There are no
coarse or fine scrub granules from the cleanser gel, but we get the exfoliating
effect from the hero ingredients, namely Salicyclic Acid + AHA. In my opinion,
the exfoliating effect will be even more pronounced if after applying it to the
face, we let it sit for a while before rinsing it off. It feels like the
face is naturally detoxifying or removing dead skin cells. Fyi, this
includes deep cleansing, but I wonder why it's so gentle on the skin.
is no tingling sensation or stinging sensation from using this cleanser, but it
is very comfortable, light, and effective for cleansing the face. I use
this cleanser as a second cleanser when I'm using makeup, and as a main
cleanser when I don't have full makeup or daily skincare. After using SNP
Lab Gel Cleanser, my face feels clean deep into the skin without making it dry
or tight. Instead, the face feels softer, smoother, and more
those of you who are looking for a cleanser with a more effective performance
but still gentle on the face, you really have to try this SNP Lab Gel Cleanser,
especially this cleanser is acne skin friendly, where if your skin is
acne-prone, it won't hurt the part of the skin with acne. And the good thing is
that this cleanser can be used for all skin types.
It is an exfoliating toner with a watery texture that contains PHA, AHA, and BHA as the main ingredients. Effective for removing dead skin cells, dirt, controlling excess oil production, providing moisture and slowing down the aging process. Equipped with Calamine powder which functions to soothe & relieve facial skin redness, making it good for all skin types.
packaging is packaged in a semi-acrylic
transparent bottle with a white screw cap which makes it look simple and quite
clean. After opening the lid, we will find a seal in the toner which is
like a clip, to keep the product hygienic.
The texture, in the form of a liquid consisting of 2 layers, namely liquid toner and calamine powder which is deposited under the liquid toner. Because it consists of 2 layers, so before using this toner we have to shake it first so that the two layers can mix well and blend when poured into hands or cotton.
to use: After cleansing, shake the
toner before use. After the liquid toner turns slightly cloudy, pour the
liquid toner on your hands or silcot cotton. Apply to the face in circular
motions until evenly distributed all over the face. Let stand a few
moments until the toner is completely absorbed without feeling wet on the
facial skin. If used in the morning, don't forget to apply sunscreen.
applied to the face, this toner feels light and
does not irritate the face or hurt the skin. Exfoliating also quite
felt, but still gentle on the skin. There is a slight tingling sensation
after application which comes from the content of PHA, AHA, & BHA. If
you leave it for a few minutes after application, you will feel the tickling
effect of the process of releasing dead skin cells. But take it easy, soon
it will disappear and the face will return to normal and ready to receive the
next skincare.
this is an exfoliating toner, be careful when combining this product with other
skincare products that also have active ingredients. Moreover, we also
have to wait a while until the exfoliating toner is completely absorbed and
doesn't feel tingly anymore. After using this toner, the face feels more
plump, moist, supple, and the acne scars are fading. I notice when there
is a big pimple, this toner helps detoxify the pimple so that it quickly fades,
dries, and fades the scars.
for those of you who are interested in trying this latest SNP LAB series, you
can check it out at their official store at Shopee , Tokopedia , and Lazada . You can
also follow their Instagram at @snpofficial.id to find out the latest product promos, and other
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